Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dino Driver!


  1. Can someone pleeeeaaasssee tell me how to color in Photoshop!!!

    1. DeviantArt is surprisingly useful for tutorials. I suggest searching there. Heavy paint, water colour, hard & soft cell shading... it's all there, with many different methods for each.

  2. Cool thank guys will check it out. I don't mind just a plain fill in color style but the highlighting is really what I wanna learn because it shows depth.

    1. If highlighting is what you're after, than you'd be better off taking the long road to understanding lighting itself. Trying to fake a lightsource(s) almost never ends well.

      Quick tips include actually drawing a lightbulb on a new layer to indicate the source. (it makes for a great reminder, so you always know exactly where it comes from - thus greatly helping with consistency)

      Quick tip for depth: Colours are more vivid in the foreground and fade as you push to the background. Shadows are blacker upfront, and also desaturate as you push them back. To really show depth, 3 layers are required (fore, mid, back for example)

      Another good place to find tutorials is ImagineFX. Great magazine, and they put a lot of their tutorials online for free as well.
